Order Your Data with Intention – Part 1

Before/After slide transformation. Before slide (left) shows several categories of data displayed in a lollipop chart where the values are not ordered in a meaningful way. The After slide shows the same data sorted in descending order.

By default, most analytics and business intelligence tools will keep your data in the order they appear in the underlying file. However, defaults are not always the best option. Arranging and displaying data in a meaningful order can mean the difference between a clear and compelling chart versus a confusing one. In this series of posts, I share three scenarios where displaying data in an order that supports interpretation can help you tell a more compelling story. In this first post, I discuss data sorting.   


Scenario #1: Sorting Data Values

Consider this lollipop chart (made with fictitious data) showing the percentage of employees in five groups at an organization who are proficient in Excel. Groups are presented in ascending alphabetical order by default.

Lollipop chart showing the percentage of employees in five groups who are proficient in Excel. Data are fictitious. Group A: 58%; Group B: 67%; Group C: 79%; Group D: 53%; Group E: 10%.

Based on the lengths of the lollipops, more Group C employees are proficient in Excel than any other group. However, it is difficult to compare the differences between other groups without going back and forth between the category labels and lollipop markers. But let's face it—that's a lot of work and your audience will have to take more time to interpret your display.

Let's re-create the chart, but sort the data based on the percentage of employees in each category.  You can present the data in ascending order (least to greatest):

Lollipop chart showing the percentage of employees in five groups who are proficient in Excel. Data are displayed in ascending order. Data are fictitious. Group E: 10%; Group D: 53%; Group A: 58%; Group B: 67%; Group C: 79%.

or descending order (greatest to least):

Lollipop chart showing the percentage of employees in five groups who are proficient in Excel. Data are displayed in descending order. Data are fictitious. Group C: 79%; Group B: 67%; Group A: 58%; Group D: 53%; Group E: 10%.

With the data sorted, you can clearly see that Group C has the highest percentage of employees who are proficient in Excel, followed by Groups B, A, D, and rounding out the list is Group C with the fewest. With this information in mind, you can use visual cues, like color, to draw attention to these findings.

For example, you may decide to simply highlight the Group C data point:

Lollipop chart showing the percentage of employees in five groups who are proficient in Excel. Data are displayed in descending order. The title reads: Group C has the highest percentage of employees proficient in Excel. Group C is bold and color is set to forest green. The subtitle reads: In 20XX, 79% of Group C employees were proficient in Excel. The phrase 79% of Group C employees is bold and color is set to forest green. Data are fictitious. Group C: 79%; Group B: 67%; Group A: 58%; Group D: 53%; Group E: 10%.

Or you may decide to note that in all Groups but one, more than half of all employees are proficient in Excel: 

Lollipop chart showing the percentage of employees in five groups who are proficient in Excel. Data are displayed in descending order. The title reads: In four of five groups, more than half of all employees are proficient in Excel. The title is bold and color is set to forest green. The subtitle reads: Why are so few Group E Employees proficient in Excel?. Group E employees is bold and color is set to dark grey. Data are fictitious. Group C: 79%; Group B: 67%; Group A: 58%; Group D: 53%; Group E: 10%.

Arranging (data) values in ascending or descending order can make your data and visualization easier to interpret.

Do you order your data with intention? Share your thoughts in the comments.


Order Your Data with Intention – Part 2


Turn your Lists into Short Journeys