Simplify Excel Formulas Using Named Ranges

picture of excel work book highlighting the name box where a named range can be specified.

** Download the accompanying Excel Workbook  **

A named range is a feature in Excel that allows you to easily reference individual cells or groups of cells within a workbook using a descriptive name. Using named ranges can save you time when writing complex formulas and make your formulas easier to understand. 

To define a name for a cell range:

​STEP 1: Select a group of cells. In the example below, cells A2:A23 are selected.

Picture of Excel Workbook where cells A2:A23 are selected

STEP 2: Click on the Name Box.

Picture of selected data with Name box highlighted. (The Name box is located above the first column (A) just left of the Formula bar.)

STEP 3: Type a name in the ‘Name Box,’ and click enter.
In the example, I created a named range called 'School_Level.'

Picture showing the selected data and the new name for the selected range of cells.

​Now you have created a named range called 'School_Level' that you can use in formulas throughout your workbook!

Picture showing how you can use the new named range called ‘SchoolLevel‘ to calculate the number elementary schools in the set of data. Formula is: =COUNTIF(“School_Level”, “Elementary School”)

​​Let's look at a more detailed example:
I created an Excel Workbook that contains information about suspensions in select schools within the Philadelphia School District for the 2013-2014 School Year. The dataset has three variables: School Name (The name of the school); School Level (Specifies whether the school is an elementary, middle, high, or career and technical high school); and Total Number of Suspensions (The total number of suspensions reported at each school during the 2013-2014 school year).

Picture of Workbook with information on suspensions in select schools within the Philadelphia School District for the 2013-2014 School Year

I then went on to create 3 named ranges:
    1. School_Name (A3:A153);
    2. School_Level (B3:B153); and
​    3. Suspensions (C3:C153).

Picture of Workbook showing the three named ranges: School_Name; School_Level; and Suspensions

From there, I used Excel's named ranges feature to answer the following questions:

  1. How many students were suspended in the 2013-2014 School Year?

  2. How many students attending High Schools were suspended in the 2013-2014 School Year?

  3. How many students attending Middle Schools were suspended in the 2013-2014 School Year?

  4. How many students attending Elementary Schools were suspended in the 2013-2014 School Year?

  5. How many Elementary Schools suspended more than 50 students in the 2013-2014 School Year? 

I’ll share some of my results with you:
How many students attending Middle Schools were suspended in the 2013-2014 School Year? 
I used the SUMIF function to answer this question.
The exact formula I used was "=SUMIF(School_Level, "MIDDLE SCHOOL", Suspensions)"
Translation: Sum the values in the named range 'Suspensions,' where the corresponding School_Level is 'Middle School.'

Picture of workbook showing the formula used to answer the question: How many students attending Middle Schools were suspended in the 2013-2014 School Year?

How many Elementary Schools suspended more than 50 students in the 2013-2014 School Year? 
I used the COUNTIFS function to answer this question.
The exact formula I used was "=COUNTIFS(School_Level, "Elementary School", Suspensions, ">50")"
Translation: Count how many Elementary Schools suspended more than 50 students in the 2013-2014 School Year. 

Picture of workbook showing the formula used to answer the question: How many Elementary Schools suspended more than 50 students in the 2013-2014 School Year?


  • Names cannot contain any spaces. (Consider using underscores (_) or periods (.) as separators. Example: School_Level)

  • The first character of a name must be a letter.

  • Name lengths cannot exceed 255 characters.

  • Excel does not distinguish between UPPERCASE and lowercase characters in names.

  • Click the drop-down arrow next to the Name Box to see a list of named ranges in a Workbook.

Picture showing how clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the Name Box produces a list of named ranges in the current Workbook.
  • To edit a named range:

1. Click Insert>Name>Define

Picture showing click Insert, then select Name, then click Define

2. In the list, click on the named range you want to change;

Picture showing the dialog list box that contains a list of the named ranges in your current workbook.

3. Click Ok, and then close the Name Manager.

Named ranges are a powerful feature that can be used to simplify formulas. How do you use named ranges?

** Data used in this post were retrieved from the School District of Philadelphia’s District Performance Office Data Archive on Suspensions. Note: Not all schools were included in the analysis. **


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