Parsing data into pieces
Merging data from different sources is easy to do when you have a common unique identifier…
Question(able) Format: Missing ≠ No
Being able to distinguish missing responses from ‘no’ responses is an important but often overlooked issue in survey design and analysis…
Visualizing Data with Data Bars
Data bars are a powerful yet underused built-in Excel feature for quickly visualizing large amounts of data…
Simplify Excel Formulas Using Named Ranges
A named range is a feature in Excel that allows you to easily reference individual cells or groups of cells within a workbook using a descriptive name…
Mind the Mean
While the (arithmetic) mean can be an informative summary statistic, there are certain situations when the mean is not a good representation of a set of data...
4 Data Cleaning Lessons Learned
Data cleaning is an important part of the data life cycle. This post shares four lessons I have learned about data cleaning...