Making Meaning, Without the Mental Gymnastics
For a chart to be effective, it must convey a specific message. It is up to the designer of the visual to highlight the relevant information and craft a compelling story around the data…
Question(able) Format: Missing ≠ No
Being able to distinguish missing responses from ‘no’ responses is an important but often overlooked issue in survey design and analysis…
Visualizing Data with Data Bars
Data bars are a powerful yet underused built-in Excel feature for quickly visualizing large amounts of data…
'Animating' the Line Graph
One of the things I struggle with when giving a presentation is keeping people engaged. Recently, I have found myself thinking through some creative ways of using visual imagery to engage the audience…
Missions Matter for Measuring Impact
A mission statement is so much more than a declaration of an organization’s purpose. In this post, I demonstrate how to go from mission to measurement of impact in three key steps…
The Levels of Conceptualization & Operationalization
Measurement is a broad subject area that spans many fields (e.g., education, psychology). Conceptualization and operationalization are integral to the measurement process…